After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. Rose will continue her Dhampir education. Lissa will go back to being Queen of the elite Moroi social scene. And both girls will resume breaking hearts.
Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's - but their world is fraught with danger both inside and out of the Academy's iron gates. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and Lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...
Review: Okay, I love this series. No joke, I am in love with it. Like, head-over-heels in love. That's how addicting it is. Rose, who is the main character, is a really cool chick and her opinions and how she thinks is really hilarious at most times but other times she's really serious and she has this don't-mess-with-me-or-else kind of attitude, which makes it a really good read, especially with Rose telling it in her point of view exclusively. I loved every sentence of this book and the rest of the series after. This book is a seriously great read for vampire-romance lovers or just pure romance-readers!
Rating: LOVED IT